Sella & Mosca

  • Sardinia
  • PAYS
  • Italy

The Sella & Mosca winery and estate was founded in 1899 by one of Piedmont, Italy’s most famous families at the time, the Sella family. Today, it’s one of the largest estates in Europe and one of its most diverse. Its property in Alghero with a total of 650 hectares, including 542 hectares planted to vine, is home to Europe’s largest contiguous vineyard. Its property in Gallura produces top Vermentino di Gallura. Its property in Sulcis produces critically acclaimed Carignano di Sulcis, a favorite among wine writers. Sella & Mosca is known for its excellent price-to-quality ratio. Sella & Mosca’s wines literally put Sardinia on the viticultural map with its classic Cannonau, bright Vermentino, and bold Carignano del Sulcis becoming favorites of wine critics across the world.

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